Our home is in the heart of the forest. A cottage painted in blue, that is the color she chose, with white windows. It's a piece of civilization for a wild creature.
Sometimes, she asks to wander in the world beyond the forest. She goes to the border between the dense trees. Curious like a cat, her deep green eyes search for what is novel and, in some way, forbidden.
When she steps outside the fantasy realm, automatically she becomes more human, in appearance. You would never guess the beast below that cute shape, the brutal strength of a power of nature, enveloped in feminine and sweet, yet dangerous, body.
That is how she is supposed to be. In the artworks of Delacroix, Rubens, the cat of Baudelaire, the green eyed guardian of Becquer... all of them nymphs, or more exectly, dryads... In all of them, the delicate and gorgeous guardian of the forest, the animals, the Great Mother, is made to seduce, trap, and kill the evil humans who damage and menace their protected ones.
But now, in this sunset, she is just a pretty girl, as we are her friends. Like a leap in time, you just want to be her friend at school, her boyfriend at high school, her husband, lover... her anything. You want to be hers. The first phase of her powers is there, the allure of the nymph.
You are already trapped, but if you are a good friend, the killing moment will not happen. You know what you have to do for that: respect nature, respect women, respect this woman, and respect all the others too by association.
The eternal feminine, born from the Great Mother, that shamans in the caves talked to, in the dark, inside the uterus of the earth. The Great Mother that devours his children and returns them to the earth, too ominous to be prayed, too caring to ignore her.
As a creature of twilight and dusk, she tries to avoid the noon. The hard light of the sun is usually too defined, to aggressive for her. We need her in the dreamlike, soft atmosphere, so you can doubt if she is real or not, if she is from this world, or the world of your desires.
I said "go and run, let's catch the sunset!", and she ran in laughs. She started to look like those nymphs that run on the corner of the eye, and you hear their laughs, somewhere deep in the forest.
And that's how the day ended. Maybe enough of this valley, or not. We'll return here, I think.
As the sun sets, her smile, her body framed by nature and the sun, is kept between space and time forever, impressed in our memory.
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